I would like to share with you
some Poetry I have found along the way
written by: Florence S. Reed
³For all who find pleasure in words, Emerald Carousel
From a book written in "1966"
@ which time she was 80 years young
"This book was dedicated as follows:"
harmonized, and patterned in Mosaics
of rhythm".
I hear the heart of summer
I wonder if bird parent, tired grown,
My intentions were good, I would dust the room,
How prodigal of time
Now suddenly we find
Inexorable hours !
I didn¹t want to put too much here to bore you.
Thank you for taking the time to read.
"Letter to June"
in your chorusing today,
that tinkled in the tree-tops
where tiny finches sway;
that sounded in the cadence
reflections of the willows
waved in a singing-green
reflections of the willows
waved in a sighing-sheen,
Soft, musical, the voices
encircled with their spell.
I saw the heart of summer
In your ³Emerald Carousel²
"When Baby Birds Have Flown"
their summer plumage drooping, weather-blown
can know the loneliness my heart has known
when baby birds have flown
"My Schedule"
I would clean the window and use the broom,
some errands, some shopping, a telephone call,
I fully intended to take care of all.
But a jeweled Waxwing called, ³Come see the
berries bright and the sycamore tree;²
the linnet trilled, ³come,² the gray dove cooed;
to have failed to heed would have been quite rude.
Their promise of pleasure, thrilling, exciting;
the trees seemed to beckon, their pleading was
so what could I do but follow along?
Is youth! we spill the treasure
Lavishly, nor search
For coins that clatter
Carelessly beyond our reach.
The gold leaves of our days
Have crystallized to chains
Held to the pendulum
Of life¹s routines.
The blackward glance,
Infirmities, complacency,
Discourage now the static mind
To smug turgidity.
If you are interested in this type please let me know
We sit and we type, and we stare at our screens
Why is it on screen, we can be so bold
The answer is simple, it is as clear as a bell.
The Child and the Faeries
By the moone we sport and play,
~ William Shakespeare:
That dwells in the heart.
Tiny Angel - (Angel In My Pocket)
I am a tiny Angel
Priceless Gift
Friendship is a priceless gift
Sometimes in life,
Someone who makes you laugh
When you're down,
Your forever friend gets you through
Your forever friend holds your hand
TOBI - that is you!!
Your Friend - ANGEL
This is a time in my life that I don't want to miss--
I always say that age is only important
After middle-aged spread I look forward to old-age shrinkage
I drank milk the day after its expiration date
Sometimes when I dial a phone number
Sometimes when I write a note to myself
Sometimes on my way home I drive right by my house
But often I remember the kind words
When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
A cloud turns into an angel, ~~~ Hello God ~~~
Hello God, I called tonight To talk a little while..
~~ author unknown ~~ ON THE WINGS OF A PRAYER
Just close your Eyes and open your heart,
For life on earth grows more involved,
So when you are tired, discouraged and blue,
For the heart is a temple when God is there ~Author Unknown~
We all have to wonder, what this possibly means.
With our mouse we roam, through the rooms in a maze
Looking for something or someone, as we sit in a daze.
We chat with each other, we type all our woes
Small groups we do form, and gang up on our foes.
We wait for somebody, to type out our name
We want recognition, but it is always the same.
We give kisses and hugs, and sometimes flirt
In DCCs we chat deeply, and reveal why we hurt.
We do form friendships - but - why we don't know
But some of these friendships, will flourish and grow.
Telling our secrets, that have never been told.
Why is it we share, the thoughts in our mind
With those we can't see, as though we were blind.
We all have our problems, and need someone to tell.
We can't tell real people, but tell someone we must
So we turn to the 'puter, and to those we can trust.
Even though it is crazy, the truth still remains
They are Friends Without Faces, and odd little names.
The woods are full of faeries !
The trees are all alive;
The river overflows with them,
See how they dip and dive !
What funny little fellows !
What dainty little dears !
They dance and leap,
and prance and peep,
And utter fairy cheers !
I'd like to tame a fairy,
To keep it on a shelf,
And dress its little self.
I'd teach it pretty manners,
It always should say "please",
And then you know I'd make it sew,
And curtsey with its knees !
~ Unknown ~
**The Faerie Dance**
With the night begins our day;
As we daunce, the dew doth fall;
Trip it little urchins all,
Lightly as the little Bee,
Two by two and three by three:
And about go wee, and about go wee.
Midsummer's Night Dream ~
Your hours are your most precious possession.
This day is all you have.
Waste not a minute.
~ Unknown ~
You don't know how it happens,
Or when it gets its start.
But you know the special lift,
It always brings.
And you realize that Friendship,
Is God's most precious gift!
~~Author Unknown~~
I'm smaller than your thumb;
I live in people pockets,
That's where I have my fun.
Before I was an Angel
I was the beauty in a flower;
God, Himself, hand-picked me,
And gave me Angel power.
And, because God is so busy
With all He has to do,
He said that my assignment
Is to keep close watch on you
When He tucked me in your pocket,
He blessed you with Angel care;
Then, He told me to never leave you
And I vowed always to be here.
By Virginia Ellis ©1999
that cannot be bought or sold,
But it's value is far greater
than a mountain made of gold.
For gold is cold and lifeless,
it can neither see nor hear
And in the time of trouble
it is powerless to cheer
It has no ears to listen
nor heart to understand,
It cannot bring you comfort or
reach out a helping hand
So when you ask God for a gift
Be thankful if He sends
Not diamonds, pearls, or riches
But the love of real true friends
~~Author - Helen Steiner Rice~~
~~ A Forever Friend ~~
you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life
just by being part of it.
until you can't stop;
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you
that there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.
This is Forever Friendship.
and the world seems dark and empty,
Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit
and makes that dark and empty world
suddenly seem bright and full.
the hard times, the sad times,
and the confused times.
If you turn and walk away,
your forever friend follows.
If you lose your way,
your forever friend guides you
and cheers you on.
and tells you that
everything is going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend,
you feel happy and complete,
because you need not worry.
You have a forever friend for life,
and forever has no end.
~ You're Only As Old As You Think You Are ~
old age is a privilege denied to a lot of people
and the best way to avoid becoming an old dog
is to keep learning new tricks
if you happen to be wine or cheese
Yet when I get out of the shower
I am relieved that the mirror is all fogged up
I have also noticed that I'm beginning to decline a lot of offers --
preferring to stay home --
which is probably why they call these the "declining years"
and I'm much too wise to ever want to be young again
~ Author ~
Natasha Josefowitz
~ These Are The Years of Living Dangerously ~
I talked to the bus driver while the bus was in motion
I did not brush my teeth before going to bed
I took off the tag on my pillow that says "Do not remove"
I live dangerously
~ Author ~
Natasha Josefowitz
~~ Sometimes I Forget ~~
by the time someone answers I forget who it was I was calling
to answer a call or a letter I forget where I put it
I have to check if my toothbrush is wet
to know whether I had already brushed my teeth that morning
and only notice it a few blocks later
I forget whether I meant to say something
or whether I have already said it
the sweet smells, sunlit days, a tender touch
a book I loved, music, a picture, a special event
I guess I remember more than I forget
~ Author ~
Natasha Josefowitz
~~ When I am An Old Woman ~~
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me,
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick the flowers in other people's gardens
And learn to spit.
You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and a pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beer mats and things in boxes.
But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We will have friends to dinner and read the papers.
But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old and start to wear purple.
~ Author ~
~ Jenny Joseph ~
~~~ When Somebody Dies ~~~
and flies up to tell God to put another flower on a pillow.
A bird gives the message back to the world,
and sings a silent prayer that makes the rain cry.
People disappear, but they never really go away.
The spirits up there put the sun to bed, wake up grass,
and spin the earth in dizzy circles.
Sometimes you can see them dancing in a cloud during
the day-time, when they're supposed to be sleeping.
They paint the rainbows and also the sunsets
and make waves splash and tug at the tide.
They toss shooting stars and listen to wishes.
And when they sing wind-songs, they whisper to us,
don't miss me too much.
The view is nice and I'm doing just fine.
~ Author ~
~ Ashley ~
I need a friend who'll listen
You see, I can't quite make it Through a day just on my own...
I need your love to guide me, So I'll never feel alone
I want to ask you please to keep, My family safe and sound.
Come and fill their lives with confidence For whatever fate they're bound.
Give me faith, dear God, to face Each hour throughout the day,
And not to worry over things I can't change in any way.
I thank you God, for being home And listening to my call,
For giving me such good advice
When I stumble and fall.
Your number, God, is the only one
That answers every time.
I never get a busy signal,
Never had to pay a dime.
So thank you, God, for listening
To my troubles and my sorrow.
Good night, God, I love You, too,
And I'll call again tomorrow!
And feel your worries and cares depart.
Just yield yourself to the Father above,
And let him hold you secure in his love.
With endless problems that can't be solved,
But God only asks us to do our best,
Then he will take over and finish the rest...
There is always one door that is open to you,
And that is the door to The House of Prayer,
And you'll find God waiting to meet you there.
And The House of Prayer is no further away,
than the quiet spot where you kneel and pray.
As we place ourselves in his loving care.
And he hears every prayer and answers each one
When we Pray in His name - Thy will be done.
The burdens that seemed too heavy to bear
Are lifted away on the wings of a prayer.
Is the heart's own way Of holding loved ones close And keeping us in constant touch With those who mean the most. Remembering is the heart's own way Of sending loving thoughts today! A friend is someone we turn to |
Friends Are Like Angels
Our friends are like angels,
Their thoughtfulness comes,
Like upside-down rainbows,
Friends are like angels, ~~ Author Unknown ~~
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."
"People are like stained glass windows; they sparkle and shine when the sun is out,
but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within."
"Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening to God."
"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, or more money,
in order to do more of what they want so that they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse.
You must first be who you really are, then, do what you need to do, in
order to have what you want."
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life,
and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived..."
If you want a rose bush, do not plant a tomato seed. If you want kindness, do not plant indifference.
Always know that you will harvest your own crop.
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday
... and all is well.
Don't wait for your ship to come in; swim out to it.
The ultimate lesson all of us have to learn is unconditional love, which includes not only others but ourselves as well.
Your words are a window to your heart.
Don't forget, a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.
If I wait to be happy, I'll wait forever.
If I'm happy now, I'll be happy forever.
"Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings
have trouble remembering how to fly."
Of all the blossoms in life's garden,
friendship is the most fragrant.
We are all travellers in the wilderness of this world,
and the best that we find in our travels is an honest friend.
Last updated page on -
March 1, 2001
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