Listening to your heart,
finding out who you are, is not simple,
it takes time for the chatter to quiet down.
In the silence of "not doing" we begin to know what we feel.
If we listen and hear what is being offered,
then anything in life can be our guide.

~ Unknown ~

"För att läsa den här sidan på Svenska gå hit"

Thank you Susanne, for translating
and educating those in Sweden

This page has been prepared to educate and assist you in making a decision about placing your beautiful Children pictures on your Web Pages;
as well as entering them in

I know that I am taking a chance here in saying this
I've thought it out loud and I've slept on it and my decision to do this is my "OWN"

This is something I've talked about on my Etiquette-Safety Page.
I've become more aware of this recently, because of
Particular Contests that are mainly geared towards gaining hits on a page
There is now a "Cutest Kid Contest"

I DO NOT believe in - nor will I VOTE for Cute Kiddies so that some parents can win a T-Shirt for their cute kid. Does the "child" have a choice?
HEY! maybe the child doesn't want to be in the contest.
cute as a button

When personal WEB pages first came about
(as most of you know)
it was for Grandma and pa and the families that lived across the country and across the world to be able to see the kiddies faster than mailing a picture.
People got carried away and whallaaaaaaa!
[pictures of babies and kids grew]
how *sad* that there are even peverts out there preying on your pages.
To love a child is the greatest priviledge and gift in the world, and it's so hard to see that being abused and perverted.

There is nothing wrong with posting your childrens pictures but if you're going to so; please don't link them from your main page or anywhere else that these perverts can get hold of them.
We know how proud you are and you have every right to be ! The problem is that there are other people out there who are "sick" and are less than honorable.

Have you heard of "Pedophillia" ???
Have you been watching the news lately ???
Have you seen what's happening to "our children" ???

Pictures are found by "pedophiles"
and altered in many horrible ways.

It's easy to say, "This will never happen to ME" Please !! please think again. It CAN happen to you and it has happened to others.

Your beliefs versus my beliefs, no one is right, no one is wrong. The main thing is to remember, you are on the WORLD WIDE WEB, not in a real life contest.

The most important point I'd like to make is:
not everyone believes this problem exists !!!
Not until they see it with their own eyes.
I am listing some very important places you should check out;
then you decide what is right for you !!
Feel free to contact me if you need or wish to have more information.

for re-considering placing your lovely childrens'
pictures on the World-Wide-Web.

Be Well, Be Happy and Be SAFE.

Leave the Little Children Alone

Remember you were once young
Carefree and happy
Maybe something happened to change things for you
That does not give you the right to mess with others
Leave the Little Children Alone
Remember how bad you must have once felt?
How can you inflict this on our children?
Let them laugh and be happy
Keep the fears from them
Our children are our future so please
Leave the Little Children Alone!
After all, would you want someone messing with your kids?
Dig deep inside and answer that one trifle.

By N.M. Graham
Copyright protected
Thank you for permission to use Nancy

Please feel free to take the "cute as a button" graphic above
as a means to link back to this page.
I appreciate your help in making the Web a Safer Place !
Special Thanks to Kathee of
Kathee's Graphics
for creating this "cute as a button" graphic for me
so that others may use it to link back to this site

Right to Safeguard

[Link here to get the to "Right to Safe Guard Banner"]

Keep Safe for Kids
"Keeping Our Children Safe"

STOP Pedophilia!
The ABC's of Internet Safety
PARENTS for Internet Safety
For the Children-Web Safety
Etiquette and Safety
Country Sings Out For Child Protection
LionsHouse Child Safety
Child Sexual Abuse
Abuse Related Political Action
Report Child Pornography
The Missing-The Lost Links
Cookie's Internet Safety Fountain
Sex Abuse:Message of Hope
Sex Offenders Registry -find your city
Mr.Smith-Let the Lawmakers know
Senate Contact Information
Sex Offenders Behind Bars
The Baby and Child Place
Youth Educated in Safety
CyberAngel.Org HomePage
U.S. Customs Service - Child Pornography and Protection Unit
U.S. Department of Justice
U.S. Senate
FBI Kids & Youth Educational Page
FBI Library - Parent'sGuide to Internet Safety
Crime Prevention - Safety Tips for Kids

An alternative to placing pictures on your web pages
EasyFoto - Their online album is automatically configured to
include thumbnail pictures and elegant picture frames to go with each photo.
A password protected way to show off your photos.


Find tips, advice and suggestions
to make your family's online
experience fun and productive!

Download Net Nanny

If you are thinking about, or already have pictures of your children on the Internet I would like to encourage you to read the following information. Placing pictures of children online is a lot more dangerous than you think.

You have the power to protect your children online. It is up to you to make decisions that are best for your children. Every parent is proud of their children and loves to show them off to friends and family.

Never place the URL of the page your child's picture is on any bulletin board system or email list. Anyone can be reading the boards or receiving the email. Pedophiles regularly surf family and club bulletin boards for just such postings. Pedophiles have joined groups posing as someone they aren't, in hopes to make friends with women in order to obtain pictures of their children.

Entering your child in a "cute kid contest" is not a good idea because these pages are always visited by pedophiles and it is so easy to copy the pictures to re-use. I have been to message boards run by pedophiles and have seen the horrible things they say about what they found, and they give the links to others so that they can go take a peek too. I know this sounds sick, but believe me, it does happen. I am only trying to make you more aware of the dangers on the internet.

Please take this as a serious warning to refrain from putting your childs picture anywhere that it can be accessed by a pedophile.

Keep personal information general.  The name of your child's school and classroom teacher, your phone number, address, etc. make it all too easy for someone to track down your child and learn their daily routines.

Child molesters are primarily family or friends of the child as opposed to strangers. BUT what you have to realize is that the Internet has fast become a haven for pedophiles who find it very easy to locate your children's pictures and download them to their own systems. These people are using your children's pictures for their pleasure *fantasy*. They even place your child's picture on their web pages and offer them to other pedophiles to use. They also add them to packages they sometimes offer on a CD and sell. Some even use your children's pictures to represent real or fabricated stories about their sexual encounters with them. These people use search engines such as Google, Alta Vista, Yahoo, Excite, Mining Company, etc, to locate sites about peoples children. They search through family sites and communities on such hosts as Geocities, Tripod, Xoom, Angelfire, etc. They are looking for pictures and information about your child and they do find them. The majority of parents online would be horrified to see a picture of their child on a pedophiles site being used in horrific ways.

Please join me in encouraging those you know to remove childrens pictures from personal web pages, and also from entering your beautiful children in these contests on the web, that gives you a t-shirt or a toy for your entry. It isn't worth the danger that could happen.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and if you have any questions, please contact me

Member of
Children's Protection Campaign WebRing
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